James Duckett, Author at Transmission TX

Introducing canScan a 3D Scanning Service

Introducing canScan by Transmission TX. A service to capture your assets, locations and sets and deliver them as 3D assets for use in a virtual environment such as Unity or Unreal Engine.

canScan by Transmission TX - 3D Capture and Reconstruction. Capture your Stages, Assets and Important data in a 3D model you can view and explore in Unreal, Unity and other 3D engines.

Captured 3D Models can be uploaded to 3D model viewing websites, imported into GDE’s, CAD packages, for further analysis, comparison against original construction/plans, the possibilities are near-endless!


Visit the canScan page to find out more orĀ Contact us today to discuss your requirements and the possibilities that can be achieved with the canScan service!

TX expands base to keep providing Camera Facilities to the Midlands

Midlands Drama & Camera Facilities by Transmission TX

Transmission TX have expanded their base in the Midlands, relocating from Selly Oak, Birmingham to our new office and kit store in Stratford-upon-Avon, helping us better serve the area and keep providing Drama Facilities.

We still provide drama units, camera kit, facilities, lighting, sound, grip and power to productions all across the UK so contact TX today, and let us quote to kit out your next production. Experienced and helpful crew also available, as required.

From getting Teletubbies up and running in the 1990’s to helping to make Period Drama ‘Father Brown’ the BBC’s biggest earner in terms of revenue generated from a BBC Drama.

From Fixed rig cameras to more specialist systems, we have done it all. With decades of experience in TV Drama, use Transmission TX for your next project and get more than just kit delivered to your front doorstep.

BBC Doctors comes to an end after 23 years, 24 seasons

It is unfortunate news to many, that the long-running and hugely popular daytime TV drama BBC Doctors has not been renewed by the BBC after 23 years. On 18th October the BBC has confirmed Doctors will not be renewed for 2024, citing “super inflation in drama production”.


With over 4,500 episodes shot and produced to date, and Transmission TX are immensely proud to be a part of this long running drama, providing Crew, Equipment and Vehicles for every season since it started in 2000.


We have always seen BBC Doctors as a proving ground for hopeful Technical crew (Camera, Sound and Electricians amongst others) as well as many other departments, to ‘cut their teeth’, giving them a chance to work on a television set, whilst learning the ropes and getting vital experience for future roles on other productions in their careers.

Shadowing also allowed many an eager trainee to experience the thrill and drama of being part of a technical crew while learning essential skills and set etiquette.


Understandably, this has raised a number of queries and concern from many people and sectors in the Midlands, and how axing BBC Doctors will affect the jobs and livelihoods of many in and around the Drama Village at Selly Oak in Birmingham.


You can read the BBC press release statement here: https://www.bbc.com/mediacentre/statements/doctors


There have been a number of petitions setup, the most popular currently setup by the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain who have vocally criticised this decision. You can show your support and try to save the show by signing one of these petitions, the most active currently being the one set up by the WGGB:

You can sign the petition here: https://www.change.org/p/stop-doctors-from-being-cancelled

Read the Writer’s Guild statement here: https://writersguild.org.uk/wggb_campaigns/save-bbc-doctors/

Read the article from the BBC regarding Doctors here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-67133791


As well as decades of experience in the TV and Film industry. TX have a number of Drama Units for hire (Single and Double Cameras), Camera/Sound and Lighting vehicles and experienced crew.


Contact us to discuss how we can assist your next project, and help continue giving opportunities to the highly-skilled crews, based in the Midlands.

Want to Work Together?

Have any questions or queries? Let us know.